General information

The Industrial Revolution is a process of fundamental change in industry, economy and society through the invention and application of new technologies. What are the Industrial Revolutions?


The First Industrial Revolution was the invention of steam-powered machinery in the second half of the 18th century and its integration into the production process, the second Industrial Revolution was the transition to mass production that began at the end of the 19th century and lasted until the beginning of the 20th century. The third Industrial Revolution, which is the same also known as the Digital Revolution in the last quarter of the 20th century, it is related to the transition from analog electronic technology to digital electronics and the widespread use of the Internet, personal computers and smartphones. The Fourth Industrial Revolution differs from previous industrial revolutions. This integration leads to the use of intelligent machines that can analyze and diagnose problems without the need for human intervention.


The Fourth Industrial Revolution consists of the following components:


· Artificial Intelligence

· Machine learning

· Internet of Things (IoT)

· Big Data

· Blockchain

· Robots

· Drones

· Virtual and augmented reality

· 3D Printing

· Cloud Technology

· 5G network

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